10月7日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报

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The center of Typhoon "KOINU", the 14th this year, was located on the northeastern sea surface of the South China Sea about 300 kilometers east-southeast of Shanwei City, Guangdong Province at 5 o'clock in the morning on October 6. The maximum wind force near the center was level 12 (35 meters/ Second). Affected by Typhoon "KOINU" and cold air, it is expected that there will be strong wind and rain in eastern Guangdong, Fujian, eastern Zhejiang and offshore areas from the 6th to the 8th. E-PORTS reminds all ship operators and managers to take countermeasures.

10月7日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第1张图片-太平洋在线下载

地中海航运(MSC)10月2日称,已达成一项具有约束力的协议,收购意大利高铁运营商Italo 50%股份,该公司由总部位于美国的全球基础设施(GIP)所有。根据协议,剩余50%将由GIP、德国保险公司安联ALVG.DE和其他xg111net企业邮局共同投资者持有。GIP表示MSC和GIP将共同管理业务。

MSC said on October 2 that it had reached a binding agreement to acquire a 50% stake in Italian high-speed rail operator Italo, which is owned by US-based GIP. Under the agreement, the remaining 50% will be held by GIP, German insurance company Allianz ALVG.DE and other co-investors. GIP stated that MSC and GIP will jointly manage the business.


10月7日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第2张图片-太平洋在线下载


In view of the continuing impact of the drought, Autoridad del Canal de Panama (ACP) recently issued another announcement saying that it will reduce the average number of ships allowed to pass through the canal per day from 32 to 31 in order to mitigate the impact of the severe drought that will continue until next year. ACP said it "found it necessary to implement additional adjustments and the new regulations will be implemented from November 1."

10月7日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第3张图片-太平洋在线下载


Following an investigation into a series of complaints against MSC for charging "unfair" demurrage and detention charges, the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has for the first time dismissed claims that it charges "unreasonable" congestion charges. The ruling could set a new benchmark for the industry.

10月7日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第4张图片-太平洋在线下载

Seaspan 已与全球能源公司 AES 签署了一份谅解备忘录,将在巴拿马运河周边地区启动液化天然气储存和加油业务。 这家加拿大设计和造船公司将交付一艘 7,600 立方米液化天然气加注船,该船将在 AES 新扩建的 Costa Norte 码头运营,为广泛的服务奠定基础。

Seaspan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with global energy company, AES that will see the launch of LNG storage and bunkering operations in the region around the Panama Canal. The Canadian design and shipbuilding firm will be delivering a 7,600 cbm LNG bunkering vessel which will be operating from AES’s newly expanded Costa Norte terminal to provide the basis for a broad range of services.

10月7日 E-PORTS航运新闻简报-第5张图片-太平洋在线下载

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标签: 简报 航运 PORTS 新闻
